Weston & Wayland Rotary Club
Online Club Bulletin for 7/13/2017
by Deborah Rines
7/20/2017: Greeter: JV; Door Prize: Richard DeVito, Sr.
7/27/2017: Greeter: Keith Ward; Door Prize: Richard DeVito, Jr.
8/3/2017: Greeter: Eileen White; Door Prize: Phil Cistulli
8/10/2017: Greeter: Jonathan White; Door Prize: Michael Cave
Door Prize - Door prize responsibility is to select a door prize of value $10 to $20 to be given to the Sergeant-at-Arms BEFORE the meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting you are schedule to bring the door prize, it is your responsibility to get the prize to the Sergeant-at-Arms before the meeting.
Greeter - The Greeter must arrive 15 minutes BEFORE the start of the meeting and greet all members and guests at the door and answer any questions they may have
Meeting opening at 6:15 p.m.
Song and Prayer led by Tom Wintle
Our new table arrangement proved to be to everyone's liking per unanimous voting.
A big thank you to Jan Luchetti who will be cooking and serving with John Marchiony at Bristol Lodge this coming Thursday.
Many agendas were discussed:
Our annual car show in September
Proposal to increase investments re: scholarships fund
Member dues in arrears
Name tags to be ordered
RYLA program
Collecting feedback from Weston and Wayland high schools guidance departments
The Rotarian 4-way test
There will be a board meeting on Thursday, July 20th at 5:30 pm
Golf outing rain date is this week 7/20 at Sandy Burr. Please reply confirmations to: Messinapropsvcs@comcast.net
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Secretary Eileen White
Golf Outing: July 20th at Sandy Burr (Rain date from last week)
Car Show: We have the permit in hand for the 23rd Annual Weston Antique and Classic Car Show on Saturday, September 23, 2017. We need volunteers to go to the Dedham Car Show on July 9th to hand our flyers for our car show. We will be going to a different group of car shows this year to drive attendance so stay tuned or suggest new shows and leaflet. We also need people to push sponsorships really hard this year.
Cindy Appleby, Chip Bradley, Michael Cave, Edwin Gaw, Keith Gross, Bruce Lee, Jan Luchetti, John Marchiony, Mark Messina, Rob Mosher, Walter Mulcahy, Mac Spencer, Eileen White, Tom Wintle.
Song lyrics:
Hello, Hello, Hello what a wonderful word, Hello
Hello, Hello, Hello means a lot everywhere you go
Weston or (Weston-Wayland)
now extends a cordial greeting and we hope you will enjoy our meeting
Hello, Hello, Hello what a wonderful word, Hello.
Please forward the names of people you think would be good speakers to Chip Bradley. Be creative!
WGC provides us with a set menu. Special orders must be made in advance. Please call the club on Thursday a.m. to see what is on the special order menu. If you must special order, please do it in advance. The phone number is 781-894-2503.
Meeting Detours:
Sign up for the blog and you can ask people where the next meeting is in the event you forget!
July 20, 2017. Food purchaser is Jan Luchetti, Food preparer is Jan Luchetti, Food servers are Jan Luchetti and John Marchiony. Deliver pots to The DeVito Building, where they are stored. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself if needed.
August 17, 2017. Food purchaser is Edwin Gaw, Food preparers are Edwin Gaw and Keith Ward, Food servers are Cynthia Bryant and Doug Leard. Deliver pots to The DeVito Building, where they are stored. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself if needed.
September 21, 2017. Food purchaser is Blake Munson, Food preparer is Jonathan White, Food servers are Tom Giampapa and Walter Mulcahy. Deliver pots to The DeVito Building, where they are stored. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself if needed.
October 17, 2017. Food purchaser is Bruce Lee, Food preparer is Richard DeVito, Jr., Food servers are Richard DeVito, Jr. and Steve K. Deliver pots to The DeVito Building, where they are stored. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself if needed.
Full Bristol Lodge schedule and information, including instructions are available online in ClubRunner. Log in and then click on Events, you will see Bristol Lodge as the first item.
New Facebook page Click here to view the page!
Moved, New Phone, New email? Please update your contact information on our club website. It is easy. All you need to do is log in, click Admin and then click Edit My Profile..then you can change whatever information you need! Please add your birthday so we can celebrate it!
Special Notices:
If you need to post a special notice to the Rotary Club of Weston & Wayland Wheel, please email the notice to deborah_rines@pnpco.com. In addition to the notice, you should specify a title for the notice and how long you would like the notice to run in number of weeks or end date.
Sunshine Corner: If you know of a fellow Rotarian infirmed or in need, please forward the details to Patty MacNeil.
Club Runner and Rotary Wheel: Messages can be sent through the Club Runner website. The wheel is now being updated on the Club Runner site as well as a weekly email version. If you would like to have a friend or potential member receive the wheel please go to the club website and add them as a "Friend of Rotary". Please contact Deborah Rines at deborah_rines@pnpco.com with any announcements you would like in the Wheel.
Rotary Central: Located in The DeVito Building at 470 Boston Post Rd, 3rd Fl. Please feel free to come and use the computer for any Rotary business.
Reminder – please fill out the happy dollar sheets and place into the hat so they can be recorded and printed in the Wheel!
All Rotary Club members have a responsibility to help recruit new members. Please send potential new member names and contact information to the Club Membership Chairperson – currently Bruce Lee.
All Rotarians are asked to donate $100 per year per member to support the Rotary Foundation programs. These Programs create the funding source for matching donations from local clubs, and from District contributions.
Mark Messina - President
Jan Luchetti - Vice President
Chip Bradley - Past President
Eileen White - Secretary
Tom Wintle - Sergeant at Arms
Tom Giampapa - Finance Committee Chair
Bruce Lee- Membership Committee Chair
John Marchiony - Public Relations (PR)
Richard A. DeVito, Jr - Executive Secretary, Fundraising Project Chair, Fall Car Show
Michael Cave - International Service Project Committee Chair
Director - Mark Messina
Director - Chip Bradley
Director - Jan Luchetti
Director - John Marchiony
Director - Rob Mosher
Director - Tom Giampapa
Director - Patty MacNeil
Director - Edwin Gaw
Director - Richard DeVito, Jr.