Weston & Wayland Rotary Club
Online Club Bulletin for 5/10/2018
By: Deborah Rines
By: Deborah Rines
Meeting Opening:
Bell was rung at 6:15
Pledge of Allegiance
Guest(s): Mailing Gaw, Elizabeth Messina, Derek Soled, Mike Wyner, Anthony Parker, Tom Sturiale, Nathaniel Luu, Veronique Latimer, Kerry Dunne, Habib Rahman, Lagor Family, Nicholson Family
Prospective Member: Habib Rahman
Prospective Family Member: Elizabeth Messina, Weston. Vocational Category: Health Educator
Sponsored by: Mark Messina
Attendance: 35
Happy Dollars:
May – Travis Murtha Tanny Foundation
5/10/18 - $ 520.00
Meeting Schedule - May
May 17 – Dinner Meeting – Weston Golf Club
WITH GUEST SPEAKER Margaret LeLacheur, Development Associate at Land's Sake
May 24 - Josiah Smith Tavern –
BOD Meeting (7:30) CAR SHOW
May 31 – Josiah Smith Tavern
May 17 – Bristol Lodge
May 21 – Rotary Week of Service:
Home for Veterans, Boston
May 30 - Rotary Means Business Networking, Waltham (see below)
June 22, 23, 24
Volunteers needed at RYLA!!
June 22, 23, 24, 2018
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Visit - RYLA7910.org or contact your RYLA support person. It's going to be the BEST RYLA EVER!
June 23-27 – Rotary Convention, Toronto
MEETING NOTES - Eileen White
Great meeting with speakers Mark Messina and John Marchiony introducing our two Rotary Rising Youth Leadership award participation members. Sylvia Lager and Kimberly Micolson, who are both sophomores, spoke about giving of self as an opportunity for service.
Jan Luchetti made our tables very beautiful with "Flowers in a Box," and with so many guests the choice of round tables was very comfortable. Guests included were parents, teachers, past Rotarian members and Rotarian president from Framingham.
Secretary Eileen White
MEETING PICTURES - Elizabeth Messina

Business Networking for Rotarians and their Guests
Business Networking with Rotary! Come and network with both Rotarians and Guests, learn about their businesses, and share your capabilities! Make business contacts. Exchange business cards. Refer business.
WHERE: Hilton Garden Inn, 450 Totten Pond Road, Waltham
WHEN: May 30, 2018 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
COST:$15.00 by Pre-Registering before 5/28/18; $20 at the door
Light Appetizers and Cash Bar available.
Rotary Means Business encourages all attendees to support the success of their fellow Rotarians and Guests by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.