Rotary Club of Weston & Wayland Celebrates 2024-2025 President and Officers Installation
On the evening of June 27th, the Rotary Club held its annual dinner meeting at the beautiful Weston Golf Club, marking the installation of the 2024-2025 President and officers. It was a night fille
d with anticipation, tradition, and a shared vision for the future.
Vera Lucia Dias was formally inducted as the new President by Katya Portnaya. All Past Presidents present ceremoniously passed the gavel until it reached Vera, symbolizing the passing of their wisdom to the new President. With grace and humility, Vera's first act as President was to lead the gathering in a small prayer, setting a reflective and hopeful tone for the evening.

In keeping with tradition, Vera presented the past president's gavel and pinned Katya Portnaya, honoring her leadership and contributions over the past year. This symbolic gesture highlighted the continuity and commitment that defines our Rotary Club.
Vera Lucia then inducted the new officers for the upcoming term. Robert Blackburn was welcomed as the President-Elect, Jimmy Bellote as the Vice President, Jan Luchetti as the Secretary, and Mark Messina as the newest member of the Board of Directors.
The evening concluded with a sense of renewed purpose and excitement for the year ahead, as the club looks forward to continuing to build on its legacy of service, fellowship, and community impact under Vera's leadership.
We congratulate all our new leaders and are eager to support them in their efforts to make a positive impact in our local communities and abroad.