Below and to the left is a photo taken at the end of the Rotary Sears service project on Saturday, June 10.
We all had a good time & I think Charlie was very happy with the work completed!

from left to right - Rob Mosher, Ellie Pendergast, Katya, Jordan & Willow (4 yrs old), unknown, Charlie Hamlin. Kneeling in front is Mauricio Rosa and his friendly puppy!
Adoption is challenging work. We have adopted the Sears Field in Weston and we are reclaiming it for the life of pollinating insects. All are invited to clear these invasive plants so that in year three of our five-year project we can begin to plant the plants that are good for the pollinators. Join us to work hard, release some energy on the invasive plants, have an enjoyable time, have friendly conversations, and have good refreshments.